Loading a dat file in Matlab

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Jason 2014-10-26
回答: Star Strider 2014-10-26
In my "global_v1" mathlab script, I'm trying to load data from the file "GlobalTemp_v2.dat" I am interested in column 14 (the temperature) and column 1 (the year). When I run the script, the 14th column of "data1" only contains three NaN values. How do I load the data? Thanks.
This is the link to my DAT file: https://www.dropbox.com/s/77qyr6vhg4ahgs2/GlobalTemp_v2.dat?dl=0
Here is my code:
fid1 = fopen('GlobalTemp_v2.dat'); % have 20 columns
format = '%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f ';
data1 = textscan(fid1, format, 'HeaderLines', 6,'delimiter',' ');

回答(1 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2014-10-26
There were a couple small problems in your code. First, there are 8 header lines, and the appropriate delimiter may be '\n'.
This works:
fid1 = fopen('GlobalTemp_v2.dat'); % have 20 columns
data1 = textscan(fid1, repmat('%f ', 1, 20), 'HeaderLines',8, 'Delimiter','\n');
Date = data1{1}; % Date (Calendar Years)
Temp = data1{14}; % Temperature
plot(Date, Temp)
ylabel('T (°F)')
The plot is just for fun for me, since I wanted to see what the data look like:


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