Cannot retrieve lisence - even though the manager is updated

9 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am recieving a "License server system does not support this version of this feature. (-25,334)" when trying to connect to the network lisence server with 2021b. Previous versions seem to work correctly.
I have downloaded the latest flexlm binaries that are said to be version and upgraded the server and the lisence file yet i still get the error. The server is on CentOS 7 and the client on windows 10.
When using lmstat both the MLM and FLexlm server versions are seen as 11.16.2 and not Not sure if it is at all related or if it is correct.
Server seems to work fine for 2021a but not for b. Is it possible that the Linux manager binaries on the website are not upgraded to the latest fully?


Kiran Felix Robert
Kiran Felix Robert 2021-12-6
Hi Georgois,
This error occurs when you try to start a version of MATLAB that is newer than the version of the license.dat file on the license server.
To resolve this issue, update the license.dat file on the server to the latest release that you are licensed for.
For instructions, please see the following answer: How do I update the license file on the license server?
The license.dat file on the server machine is located in:
(where $MATLABROOT is the MATLAB installation directory)
NOTE: Once you have made changes to your license file, be sure to restart the network license manager for these changes to take effect. For more inormation on network licenses,

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