Remove dulpicate rows of cell array

8 次查看(过去 30 天)
i need to remove duplicated rows of cell array and keep the row only one time.
For example from array 3x5:
{'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'}
{'700AL'} {'700AL'} {'700AL'} {'700AL'} {'700AL'}
{'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'}
i would like to keep a table with dimension 2x5:
{'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'}
{'700AL'} {'700AL'} {'700AL'} {'700AL'} {'700AL'}
I tried the unique function but i can't keep the whole row.
Any idea on that?
Thanks in advance

回答(1 个)

Awais Saeed
Awais Saeed 2021-12-9
编辑:Awais Saeed 2021-12-9
C = {{'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'}
{'700AL'} {'700AL'} {'700AL'} {'700AL'} {'700AL'}
{'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'} {'800AL'}};
cell2str = string(C); % convert cell to string
unique(cell2str, 'rows', 'stable')
ans = 2×5 string array
"800AL" "800AL" "800AL" "800AL" "800AL" "700AL" "700AL" "700AL" "700AL" "700AL"


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