writing long equation with correct answer

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone, this is not hw ;) I'm self-learner. I'ev faced this equation but couldn't get the final answer correctly. the final answer is 55, but I have different answers. I will attach the equation and my trails. Apology for my low level in english :'(
my trails:
fn= [(1/sqrt(5))].* [(1+sqrt(5)/(2)).^n - (1-sqrt(5)/(2).^n)]
fn = 812.0928
and this one
fn= 1/sqrt(5).* (1+sqrt(5)/(2).^n - (1-sqrt(5)/(2).^n))
fn = 0.0020


Chunru 2021-12-13
Note that in matlab "( )" are very different from "[ ]":
fn= 1/sqrt(5) * ( ( (1+sqrt(5)) / 2 )^n - (1-sqrt(5)/2).^n )
fn = 55.0036
  4 个评论
Abdullah Sultan
Abdullah Sultan 2021-12-13
thank you so much , I still watching videos and reading books, I hope to impove
Abdullah Sultan
Abdullah Sultan 2021-12-14
just to understand matlab proccess, why in the first (1+sqrt(5)) part we should put () more than the second part (1-sqrt(5)/2) even though they are the same side
to be more clear I make the () bold to mention why here we should make more () the other side
fn= 1/sqrt(5) * ( ( (1+sqrt(5)) / 2 )^n - (1-sqrt(5)/2).^n )


更多回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-12-13
fn= [(1/sqrt(5))].* [(1+sqrt(5)/(2)).^n - (1-sqrt(5)/(2).^n)]
Notice that in the first sub-expression it is the 1+ expression that is being raised to n, but in the second sub-expression, it is only the 2 that is being raised to the n.


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