How to display pixel values on the image and label on the region I want?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
My project is want to enhance the hand vein image. The problem is I need to display some values on the vein. For example, pixel values, SNR and MSE. Below I attached the code to get the pixel values but I don't understand why the value have 3.
imshow 'hazirah.jpg';
pixel_values = impixel;


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2021-12-18
You have 3 values because it's a color image. Those are the red, green, and blue intensity values.
rgbImage = imread('hazirah.jpg');
impixelinfo; % Mouse around and see values.
row = 1; % whatever you want.
collumn = 4; % whatever you want.
pixel_values = impixel(rgbImage, row, column);

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