Classification of images through Artificial Neural network

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
After extracting features from an image,when i try to classify the images using ANN tool in MATLAB,i see i need to import an image database of extension ".mat". I have many images in different folders which i need to classify.And i could not create a .mat file from the images which suits the ANN tool available in MATLAB. I can't understand how to create .mat image database file from these images?need help.Plz.
  1 个评论
Shahid Wani
Shahid Wani 2019-5-14
Hi Dear Durga
Dear can you please help me to how to do classification of images using ANN. Actually i am doing my thesis work and i need your help please help me.
with regards
Shahid Hussain Wani



Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-11-5
Just save all your features in whatever variable the ANN wants. Let's say it's called featureVector. Then save it:
save(filename, 'featureVector');

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