Line scan camera data

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Lucas 2014-11-6
hello Mr James Kristoff,
I am a french student, so excuse me for my english ...
I try to show on my computer the data from the LinScan Camera. So i try to use the exemple that you created with the function ShowCameraData('COM3') but I have a probleme...
The window with the plot is open, but the figure is realy unstable. the scale of the X axis is all the time mooving between 20 to 140 ... I think a should have 128 value all the time ... why do this values are changing ... moreover on the Y axis, the value vary from 1000 to 10^10 ... very unstably ... Moreover i what i see on my screen is not really what the camera is seeing because it is very random ....
I really rish you will be able to help me quickly,
and excuse me in advence to busy you .
respectfully , Lucas Mahieu
  1 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-11-6
You should reply to James Kristoff's message, not create a new one, because we have no idea what this is about and James Kristoff will most likely never see this. Click on his name in his message to go to his profile where you can send him a message.


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