Unable to compare equality of two matrices

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am trying to compare the two 4x4 matrices below and generate a success message, but I see that the code is able to display a success message only for the first element of each row. Can anyone spot where I made the mistake please?
Rotation_matrix = rotm2tform([0.9254 0.0180 0.3785; 0.1632 0.8826 -0.4410; -0.3420 0.4698 0.8138])
res = rpy2tr(30*pi/180,20*pi/180,10*pi/180)
for i = 1:size(Rotation_matrix)
for j = 1:size(res)
if isequal(i,j)
if k==0
disp("Verification success")
Thank you

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2021-12-27
size() of a variable, when no option is provided in the size() call, always returns a vector, even if the variable is a scalar. When you use 1:size() then you are using 1 colon a vector . MATLAB does define that: it takes the first element of the vector. So 1:size(Rotation_matrix) is going to be the same as 1:size(Rotation_matrix,1) which might not be what you want.
Question: why are you comparing the indices instead of comparing the matrix indexed at the indices?


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