Check an entire matrix against each value of another matrix

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear all,
I have the following code;
  1. I want to check matrix b against each value of matrix a, and extract values in matrix b based on a condition.
  2. The condition when delta 1 == 0, the value of matrix b corresponding to 0 is extracted into c.
However, I am getting an error Index in position 1 exceeds array bounds (must not exceed 1) in the line below. I have 2 questions:
  1. Why is this error happening?
  2. Is there another way to accomplish this without using loops?
Thank you.
a = [4 3];
b = [1 4.2 5 6 7 3.2];
c = zeros(size(a));
for i = 1:length(a)
delta1(i,:) = abs((b-a(i))/a(i));
for j = 1:length(delta1)
if delta1(i,j) < 0.3
c(i) = b(i,j); % This line


Jon 2022-1-14
编辑:Jon 2022-1-14
If I understand what you are looking for, I think this will do it in a very simple way
c = intersect(a,b)
>> a = [4 3];
b = [1 4 5 6 7 3];
c = intersect(a,b)
c =
3 4
  5 个评论
Jon 2022-1-14
编辑:Jon 2022-1-14
Ooops, that last line should be
c = b(any(delta < 0.3))
c =
4.2000 5.0000 3.2000
if you want to list the values that match out of b instead of the ones out of a (as in code above)
Jon 2022-1-14
You should also check out the MATLAB function ismembertol which is pretty much purpose built for the operation you are trying to perform, but the error tolerance is a little different. If you are comfortable with their way of computing the tolerance you can use this directly


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