How can I load mat data in 'parsim' local workers ?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, all, I'm not an expert on parallel simulations so I explain here my problem:
I created a simulink project, it runs without problems, inside it there are many matlab user defined functions with "load" who takes data from the workspace previously generated using a preload function (command line in simulink executed before the simlation starts).
I'm trying to replicate it using the Parsim tool of matlab, but I get an error since the workers are still using another path and the preload is uneffective. How can I workaround this issue ? I put here also a possible solution, but I cannot apply it in my case without a pragmatic example.
thanks !
here is my code:
Geo_sweep = [1 2 3]; % three locations
numSims = length(Geo_sweep);
mdl1 = 'system_270621Hybrid6';
% open_system(mdl1)
for i = numSims:-1:1
in(i) = Simulink.SimulationInput(mdl1);
in(i) = setBlockParameter(in(i), [mdl1 '/wheather_sun data'], 'GeoSelector', num2str(Geo_sweep(i)));
%start parallel simulation
% setupFcn = @()addpath(pwd);
poolobj = parpool('local',3);
setupFcn = @()evalin('base','load tutto.mat' );
% out_Hybrid = parsim(in,'ShowSimulationManager', 'on','ShowProgress','on','TransferBaseWorkspaceVariables','on','SetupFcn',setupFcn)
out_Hybrid = parsim(in,'ShowSimulationManager', 'on','ShowProgress','on','SetupFcn',setupFcn)
  1 个评论
Rahul Kumar
Rahul Kumar 2022-4-8
Can you provide some more details? Is the setupFcn throwing an error? It would be good to paste the exact text of the error message.


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