Error with matrix dimensions

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Srdjan 2014-11-18
评论: Srdjan 2014-11-18
Hi, I'm making a code for scene cut detection, but I always get an error for line 14: matrix dimensions must agree... How do I fix this? Thank you.
THRESH = 0.5;
video = mmreader('rhinos.avi');
numFrames = video.NumberOfFrames;
prevHist = zeros(256*3,1);
diffHist= zeros(numFrames,1);
cutInd = 1;
for i = 1 : numFrames
currFrame = read(video, i);
currHistR = imhist(currFrame(:, :, 1));
currHistG = imhist(currFrame(:, :, 2));
currHistB = imhist(currFrame(:, :, 3));
currHist = [currHistR currHistG currHistB];
whos prevHist currHist;
diffHist(i) = sqrt(sum((currHist - prevHist).^2));
if (diffHist(i) > THRESH)
cutFrames(:, :, :, cutInd) = currFrame(:, :, :);
cutInd = cutInd + 1;
prevHist = currHist;
  4 个评论
Andrew Reibold
Andrew Reibold 2014-11-18
编辑:Andrew Reibold 2014-11-18
You will need to make them both the same size to use the subtraction operation in line 14 on them.
What code are you using to make the 768x1 into a 256x3? (What code are you using giving you the A(I)=B error. That should be easy to troubleshoot hopefully) I assume you are just trying to split it into 3 parts?
There are more efficient ways to make a new matrix, but have you tried something like this?
prevHist2(:,1) = prevHist(1:256)
prevHist2(:,2) = prevHist(257:512)
prevHist2(:,3) = prevHist(513:768)
and then using the new version of prevHist that is now rearranged?
Andrew Reibold
Andrew Reibold 2014-11-18
Nevermind, I see you have a solution! Best wishes



MA 2014-11-18
you have two mistake:
prevHist = zeros(256*3,1)
diffHist(i) = sqrt(sum((currHist - prevHist).^2))
your correct code should be:
clear all
close all
THRESH = 0.5;
video = mmreader('rhinos.avi');
numFrames = video.NumberOfFrames;
prevHist = zeros(256,3);
diffHist= zeros(numFrames,1);
cutInd = 1;
for i = 1 : numFrames
currFrame = read(video, i);
currHistR = imhist(currFrame(:, :, 1));
currHistG = imhist(currFrame(:, :, 2));
currHistB = imhist(currFrame(:, :, 3));
currHist = [currHistR currHistG currHistB];
whos prevHist currHist;
diffHist(i) = sqrt(sum((currHist(i) - prevHist(i)).^2));
if (diffHist(i) > THRESH)
cutFrames(:, :, :, cutInd) = currFrame(:, :, :);
cutInd = cutInd + 1;
prevHist = currHist;

更多回答(2 个)

MA 2014-11-18
you have two mistake:
prevHist = zeros(256*3,1)
diffHist(i) = sqrt(sum((currHist - prevHist).^2))
your correct code should be:
clear all
close all
THRESH = 0.5;
video = mmreader('rhinos.avi');
numFrames = video.NumberOfFrames;
prevHist = zeros(256,3);
diffHist= zeros(numFrames,1);
cutInd = 1;
for i = 1 : numFrames
currFrame = read(video, i);
currHistR = imhist(currFrame(:, :, 1));
currHistG = imhist(currFrame(:, :, 2));
currHistB = imhist(currFrame(:, :, 3));
currHist = [currHistR currHistG currHistB];
whos prevHist currHist;
diffHist(i) = sqrt(sum((currHist(i) - prevHist(i)).^2));
if (diffHist(i) > THRESH)
cutFrames(:, :, :, cutInd) = currFrame(:, :, :);
cutInd = cutInd + 1;
prevHist = currHist;

Kevin Claytor
Kevin Claytor 2014-11-18
Let's take a look at the definition of;
diffHist= zeros(numFrames,1);
This is a [numFrames x 1] size array. Into this you're trying to put;
sqrt(sum((currHist - prevHist).^2));
So, first in regards to the sizes, you can only subtract them if they're the same size;
>> size(currHist)
>> 256x3
>> size(prevHist)
>> 768x1
Which you seem to have resolved in your comments. But now you're trying to put a 256x3 array (sqrt(...)) into a 1x1 slot (diffHist(i)). Either you want the entire array;
diffHist = zeros(256, 3, numFrames);
diffHist(:, :, i) = sqrt(...)
Or you just want some representative value of the difference histogram;
temp_dist_hist = sqrt(...);
representative_value = sum(temp_dist_hist(:)); % Just an example, depends on what you're trying to do
diffHist(i) = representative_value;
Hope, this helps.


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