How to call cpp function in coder ceval function?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I am trying to call a cpp function in matlab using coder.ceval method. I am getting errors like the function is not defined, but the same code works for a c function. Please help me.
  2 个评论
Rik 2022-1-20
Wouldn't it be easier to compile it with mex and call it that way?
Arhan Kundu
Arhan Kundu 2022-1-20
We are trying to autogenerate code in simulink and mex functions are not supported for code generation


回答(1 个)

Rishabh Singh
Rishabh Singh 2022-2-7
编辑:Rishabh Singh 2022-2-7
If you could provide the cpp function then I can better answer your question. But in meanwhile a similar question has been answered on the following link.
Hope this helps.


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