Why does plot quality reduce when plotting line and scatter together?
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I am using plot3() and scatter3() together and the quality of the plot is reducing. The plot becomes a bit pixelated.
% Code snippets of what I am using
plot3(xSol{1}(first_seconds), omegaSol{1}(first_seconds), ESol{1}(first_seconds), 'LineWidth', 1.8, 'Color', PS.Purple2);
scatter3(x_FP(1, i), omega_FP(1, i), E_FP(1, i), 'Marker', 'o', 'SizeData', 60, 'MarkerFaceColor', PS.DRed2, 'MarkerEdgeColor', PS.Red4, 'MarkerFaceAlpha', MarkerAlpha);
Why is this happening? How can I get a smooth and high quality plot?
Problem picture:
Basically I want to have the dots with a certain alpha. plot3() does not allow that so I am using scatter3(). If there is another way of using 'o' Marker with plot3() and get alpha for them I can use that.
回答(1 个)
Bjorn Gustavsson
The painters-renderer that produces vector-format output, like eps doesn't understand alpha-type transparency. Therefore when you have plots utilizing alpha-mapped transparent objects you will get figures saved with the opengl renderer - which understands transparency but produces pixel-based images. There is (as far as I know) nothing much we can do about that.
Hope this clarifies the issue.
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