Mex function help for mexfile function

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have made some changes to a project that creates a bunch of mex files for matlab. Each mex function has a correspondent .m file that contains the help. The thing is that before doing the changes all the mex functions were stored in a bin folder while the help was in a help folder. Now due to some things I store the mex files under mex folder instead of bin. When the matlab tries to execute the function it calls the .m instead of the mexa64. I think that is because of the order of how I add the folders into matlab path (I use addpath(genpath(proj_folder)) ). If I add first the folder of the help folder and later the mex one it works perfectly.
Any idea of how to solve this without adding the paths in a specific way?


Titus Edelhofer
Titus Edelhofer 2014-11-24
exactly answering your question: no, that's the way it works.
You have basically two options:
  • Add the mex folder first, as you wrote.
  • Put .m and .mexa64 into the same folder. MATLAB would pick .mexa64 for execution and .m for help.

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