Linearising a electromechanical control system with Motor, Gear box with stiffness and PWM contoller

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Hello Matlab Experts,
I am trying to model a position control problem with simulink simscape components. The following components are used. 1. PI(s),H Bridge , controlled PWM , a comparator to generate a direction for H bridge, DC motor, Gear box, and spring representing gear box stiffness and a load as inertia ,inertia of the order of 10e6 kg*m^2, and suitable PS-S and S-PS blocks and a ideal rotational reference sensor.
2. When i try to simulate the system the system works and tracks the input with few SS error and with small oscillation. Now i am required to tune the system using PID tunning.
As i understood prior to tuning of the plant I am required to linearize the plant and the only i can apply automated PID Tuning.
I tried the linearization of the plant with system identification using simulutated I/O in the PID tunning tool box. During this i observed the instead of tracking step command the output continuously increase like a ramp. Can any one help to solve the issue ?
Regards Prima Rodrigues

回答(1 个)

Arkadiy Turevskiy
Arkadiy Turevskiy 2014-11-26
Please try to follow this example which is very similar to the workflow you are trying to use. If you run into the issues, please provide a clear and detailed explanation of what specifically is not working.
  2 个评论
Prima rodrigues
Prima rodrigues 2014-11-27
Hello.. I attached to plots one with simulation result with P=1 and I=1 and running simulation for 40 sec( tried upto 200 sec) , the observation is that output is trying to track the input value of 0.01 degree , but during the system identification the output looks like a ramp and not settling , the figure pid.png show system identification GUI. Any clue for solving the issue?
Thanks & Regards Prima Rodrigues
Prima rodrigues
Prima rodrigues 2015-3-27
Hello, I am trying to obtain the tf of the plant using bode linear analysis plot using simulink.The obtained tf have very high frequency poles and zeros which is not desirable. Could u suggest to extract the tf of the simulink model for a given frequency range say 0.01 to 1000 Hz.I am tried with bounds option available in bode but it didn't solve the problm Thanks Prima.R



更多回答在  Power Electronics Control


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