Solve an equation not getting a result

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hey here is my code, I don't know why I am not getting an answer,
E=9*10^3; nu=0.3; k=0.01; G=2*10^3; evide0=0.8;increment1=0.0001;
for i=2:length(e1)
syms x
if s1(i)>500
I am not getting a value in a

回答(2 个)

Catalytic 2022-2-12
>> solve(increment1==((1/3)*(k/(1+evide0))*((x-s1(i-1))/x))+((1/3*G)*(x-s1(i-1))) ,x)
ans =

Star Strider
Star Strider 2022-2-12
The solve call was causing problems because the conversion and testing in the if block would then not work correctly because the logical test does not work for symbolic variables. Also, the ‘a’ result was frequently empty, and that effectively stopped the iteration. So I changed the call to fsolve (and made approprite changes to the code for the expression it was to solve) that elimnated those problems, and temporarily changed the value of ‘increment1’ to something reasonable that I could execute in the online Run feature here.
% syms x
increment1 = 0.01;
% s1=[s01];
for i=2:length(e1)
% syms x
a = fsolve(@(x)increment1 - ((1/3)*k/(1+evide0)) * (x-s1{i-1})/x + ((1/3*G)*(x-s1{i-1})) ,(1+1i)*1000)
if isempty(a)
s1{i} = {0};
if real(s1{i})>500
s1{i} = s1{1:(i-1)};
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -1.2222e-05 - 1.8158e-19i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -2.5762e-05 + 1.2116e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -3.9783e-05 + 3.8858e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -5.4050e-05 + 2.9737e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -6.8465e-05 + 2.2520e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -8.2979e-05 + 2.6854e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -9.7564e-05 + 2.3754e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -1.1220e-04 + 2.5388e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -1.2688e-04 + 2.6473e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -1.4159e-04 + 2.7222e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -1.5633e-04 + 2.7756e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -1.7109e-04 + 2.7273e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -1.8587e-04 + 2.7566e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -2.0066e-04 + 2.7299e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -2.1547e-04 + 2.7475e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -2.3029e-04 + 2.7318e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -2.4513e-04 + 2.7194e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -2.5997e-04 + 2.7286e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -2.7482e-04 + 2.7209e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -2.8968e-04 + 2.7272e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -3.0454e-04 + 2.7222e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -3.1941e-04 + 2.7180e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -3.3429e-04 + 2.7220e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -3.4917e-04 + 2.7192e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -3.6406e-04 + 2.7168e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -3.7895e-04 + 2.7194e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -3.9384e-04 + 2.7178e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -4.0874e-04 + 2.7164e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -4.2364e-04 + 2.7182e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -4.3855e-04 + 2.7198e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -4.5346e-04 + 2.7213e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -4.6837e-04 + 2.7226e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -4.8328e-04 + 2.7238e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -4.9820e-04 + 2.7233e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -5.1312e-04 + 2.7229e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -5.2804e-04 + 2.7238e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -5.4296e-04 + 2.7246e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -5.5789e-04 + 2.7244e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -5.7282e-04 + 2.7251e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -5.8775e-04 + 2.7249e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -6.0268e-04 + 2.7255e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -6.1761e-04 + 2.7261e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -6.3254e-04 + 2.7266e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -6.4748e-04 + 2.7271e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -6.6242e-04 + 2.7276e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -6.7736e-04 + 2.7275e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -6.9230e-04 + 2.7280e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -7.0724e-04 + 2.7283e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -7.2218e-04 + 2.7287e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -7.3712e-04 + 2.7290e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -7.5207e-04 + 2.7291e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -7.6701e-04 + 2.7291e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -7.8196e-04 + 2.7291e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -7.9691e-04 + 2.7294e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -8.1186e-04 + 2.7294e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -8.2681e-04 + 2.7294e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -8.4176e-04 + 2.7295e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -8.5671e-04 + 2.7297e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -8.7166e-04 + 2.7298e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -8.8662e-04 + 2.7300e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -9.0157e-04 + 2.7300e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -9.1652e-04 + 2.7302e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -9.3148e-04 + 2.7304e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -9.4644e-04 + 2.7306e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -9.6139e-04 + 2.7307e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -9.7635e-04 + 2.7309e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -9.9131e-04 + 2.7310e-14i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0010 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0010 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0010 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0011 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0011 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0011 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0011 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0011 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0011 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0011 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0012 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0012 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0012 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0012 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0012 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0012 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0012 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0013 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0013 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0013 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0013 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0013 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0013 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0014 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0014 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0014 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0014 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0014 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0014 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0014 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0015 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0015 + 0.0000i
Equation solved. fsolve completed because the vector of function values is near zero as measured by the value of the function tolerance, and the problem appears regular as measured by the gradient.
a = -0.0015 + 0.0000i
plot(e1, real([s1{:}]))
This runs without error. Make appropriate changes if it does not produce the desired result.
  2 个评论
rita richa
rita richa 2022-2-12
thank you, I actually were searching for a positive real answer not an immaginary one but I found the problem, I had a mistake in the equation.
Thanks a lot for your time.
Star Strider
Star Strider 2022-2-12
My pleasure!
If my Answer helped you solve your problem, please Accept it!



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