The original dsolve call output was throwing the error.
However the problem is that the system is nonlinear, and as the result the system does not have a symbolic solution (as would be the situation for most nonlinear differential equation systems).
syms t v(t) c(t) vxc(t) I(t) D(t) A(t) axc(t) Y
kf= 10;
kr= 0.15;
kf1= 3e-4;
kf2= 3e-5;
kf3= 100;
kr1= 0.5;
ode1= diff(v(t),t) == -kf*v(t)*c(t)+ kr*vxc(t) + kf2*100*I(t)
icod_1 = v(0) == 0.003 ;
ode2= diff(c(t),t) == -kf*v(t)*c(t)+ kr*vxc(t) - kf3*A(t)*c(t)+ kr1*axc(t)
icod_2 = c(0) == 1.0 ;
ode3= diff(vxc(t),t) == kf*v(t)*c(t)- kr*vxc(t) - kf1*I(t)
icod_3 = vxc(0) == 0 ;
ode4= diff(I(t),t) == kf1*I(t)- kf2*I(t)
icod_4 = I(0) == 0;
ode5= diff(D(t),t) == kf2*I(t)
icod_5 = D(0) == 0;
ode6= diff(A(t),t) == - kf3*A(t)*c(t)+ kr1*axc(t)
icod_6 = A(0) == 0;
ode7= diff(axc(t),t) == kf3*A(t)*c(t) - kr1*axc(t)
icod_7 = axc(0) == 0;
odes= [ode1; ode2; ode3; ode4; ode5; ode6; ode7]
IC = [icod_1;icod_2;icod_3;icod_4;icod_5;icod_6;icod_7]
% [S1(t),S2(t),S3(t),S4(t),S5(t),S6(t),S7(t)] = dsolve(odes,IC)
% S = dsolve(odes,IC)
[VF,Sbs] = odeToVectorField(odes)
odes_fcn = matlabFunction(VF, 'Vars',{t,Y})
tspan = linspace(0, 1, 250);
Y0 = [1, 0.003, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]+eps;
[t,y] = ode45(odes_fcn, tspan, Y0); % Numericaly Integrate System
yyaxis left
yyaxis right
plot(t, y(:,2:end))
ylabel('All The Others')
legend(string(Sbs), 'Location','E')
The solution is to create an anonymous function of this system and integrate it numerically. The ‘odes_fcn’ can be used with ode45 or ode15s (that may be necessary if ode45 believes that this system is sufficiently stiff, and takes forever to integrate it). The ‘Sbs’ vector explains the function each equation integrates, and is useful in the legend call.
EDIT — (15 Feb 2022 at 2:15)
Added ode45 function evaluation and plot.