how i extract the nose region in this image?

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
I did the segmentation (thresholding) by the fcm algorithm, I have this photo which contains the labels and I need to extract the nasal cavity
And another question: how do I convert a matrix into a 2-D image? What command can I use?

回答(3 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-12-4
This does not look like a classified/labeled image because you have gradations of color. Anyway, if it were a labeled image, and say the nasal cavity were class #3, you'd use ismember() on the labeled image to extract just that class
nasalCavities = ismember(labeledImage, 3); % Extract label value 3 from the image.
  6 个评论
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-12-5
ensg's "Answer" moved here since it appears to be a "Comment" to me rather than a brand new separate "Answer" that answers her original question posted way up at the top:
i know what is the organ that i want to extract but i need a code to get the second image that i show in the pdf because this pdf is an example
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-12-5
That's why I referred you to papers where people published articles on how to do that. I have no idea what organ it is and it looks a lot more complicated than simple thresholding can handle so you'll need a more sophisticated algorithm than I can develop for you in the 5 minutes I allow for free demos. I mean to be robust to all images for similar organs in all kinds of patients, it will have to be a very sophisticated algorithm that people work on for months or years, like something a Ph.D. student would do. It's not something I could do in a few minutes this morning for you. If it were simple thresholding, I could, but not this. Sorry - I hope you understand.


ensg 2014-12-5
if you know an algorithm to label and extract or a code please you tell me

ensg 2014-12-5
thank you so much no problem i understand you but i think that it´s very simple but i don´t explain well

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