Converting .xls and .xlsx to .csv

91 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hey guys,
I was wondering if there was a way I could ask a user if their file is .csv, and if not, I would sent it through a loop to have it converted to .csv. Is there any way I could do that?


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-12-7
编辑:Image Analyst 2014-12-7
Why not assume the extension is correct and process it if necessary?
[folder, baseFileName, extension] = fileparts(filename);
if strcmpi(extension, '.xlsx')
numbers = xlsread(filename);
csvFileName = strrep(filename, '.xlsx', '.csv');
csvFileName = strrep(csvFileName, '.xls', '.csv');
csvwrite(csvFileName, numbers);
  5 个评论
Vikas Saroha
Vikas Saroha 2020-7-22
But it writes only numbers not including row and colomn headers. How these can be included in the .csv file?
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2020-7-22
You can use fprintf() to write it out exactly as you want.


更多回答(2 个)

Harish TV
Harish TV 2017-3-17
clear; clear all; fileip='filename.csv'; g=char(fileip); g=g(1:end-4) fileop=horzcat(g,'.xlsx') g=fileip(1:end-4); [~,~,F]=xlsread(fileip); F=cellstr(F); %delete the header rows (4 rows) F([1:4],:)=[]; for a=1:size(F,1); b=F(a,1); c=char(b); D(a,:)=strsplit(c,','); end xlswrite(fileop,D); disp(['--------------Process complete---------------------']);

sapna kumar
sapna kumar 2019-1-11
file = dir('*.xlsx'); % make sure your are navigated to the right folder on matlab
s= size(file,1);
for i= 1:s
Data = xlsread(file(i).name);
filename= filename(1:end-5); % to remove extension from filename
csvwrite([filename '.csv'], Data);

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