how can i use a neural network tool box with in complex number

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
hello can help me i want to use network tool box with smart antenna (phased array antenna ) and i will treat with complex number (signals phase shift ) can you help about that matter ?


Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2014-12-12
You misinterpreted my previous answer
z = x + i * y; % complex number
x - the real part is real
y - the imaginary part is also real
Therefore use the 2-dimensional real vector
[ x ; y ]
instead of the complex number z.
Thank you for formally accepting my answer

更多回答(1 个)

Greg Heath
Greg Heath 2014-12-11
Transform magnitude/phase to real/imaginary
Thank you for formally accepting my answer
  1 个评论
sulaiman ahmed
sulaiman ahmed 2014-12-12
thank you ,but the problem with using the neural network with imaginary numbers, i can't used neural network with imaginary numbers this is my problem< thank you again



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