out of memory error!

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
lilish 2014-12-10
评论: lilish 2014-12-11
hi, I'm running a code in matlab to read data from a file which has a 512*512*512 volume by fread command. when i run it for the 512*512 amount of the file it works, but when I want to read the whole data to be able to image them it doesn't work and display 'out of memory error'. so I really need to have all data together to image them. do you think what this error happen and how i can fix it. my laptop'RAM is 3GB and my system is 32-bit. i'm looking to hearing from you. Thanks


Ryan 2014-12-10
You could use a memmapfile. I'm not entirely sure how it works, but a memory map does not actually load the data into memory. That way you can process pieces parts, if that's what you want to do. Check out
doc memmapfile

更多回答(2 个)

Sean de Wolski
Sean de Wolski 2014-12-10
Either buy a bigger computer with 64 bit OS and MATLAB, or downsample your data.

Matt J
Matt J 2014-12-10
Maybe you can read the image in as uint8, or some other type smaller than double,
A = fread(fileID, 512^3, 'double=>uint8');


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