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how to plot a graph

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
grace lim
grace lim 2022-3-6
关闭: grace lim 2022-3-6
how do i plot the above graph with different frequency eg,f=100,200,300,400,500
using symbols ?thank you inadvance
  1 个评论
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2022-3-6
Is there a good reason why you had to paste in a PICTURE of text? As text, anyone can help you by copying the text, and then inserting it into MATLAB. As a picture of text, we can look at it, and say how pretty is the picture. Then we need to carefully re-type it ourselves.
Is there a good reason why you wanted to make it more difficult to get help?
Next, please stop posting the same question every 8 hours. One reason why I did not answer your other identical question, is because you pasted in a picture of the text.

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