how do I use Alphadata commands for image on GUIDE

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Dear Matlab expert group,
I am relatively new to matlab image processing and guide. I am struggling to use alphadata commands for image processing purposes in GUIDE. Please can someone share any information about the same. I have attached the initial figure and matlab file for your information. I was able to select an image and display it on an axes using the following
[fileinfo pathinfo] = uigetfile('*.*','File Selector');
image = strcat(pathinfo, fileinfo);
jpgimage = imread(image);
x = imshow(jpgimage);
I am failing to add alphadata commands for a pushbutton that can be used to create a layer of alphadata on the existing image. I have put the commands below.
>> q = zeros(size(jpgimage));
>> q(:,:,:)=0.6;
>> PSF = fspecial('disk', 5);
>> Blurred = imfilter(q, PSF,'circular','conv' );
>> [r,c,~] = size(jpgimage);
>> [X Y] = meshgrid(1:r,1:c);
>> Z = mvnpdf([X(:) Y(:)], [r c]./2, diag(50.*[r c]));
>> Z = (Z-min(Z(:)))./range(Z(:));
>> Z = reshape(Z',[c r])';
>> fh = figure;
>> imshow(jpgimage,'Border','tight'), hold on
>> hImg = imshow(q,'Border','tight'); hold on
>> set(hImg, 'AlphaData',Z);
Thanks a lot for the help.
Kind Regards, Vidya

回答(2 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2014-12-15

vidya 2014-12-15
Dear Image Analyst,
Please can you share basic steps to perform alphadata action on image in a graphic user interphase environment. Thanks a lot for the links.
Kind Regards,

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