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An error occurs when generating a custom message using rosgenmsg.
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An error occurs when generating a custom message using rosgenmsg.
The error is as follows.
>> rosgenmsg('/root/mavros_msgs/')
Identifying message files in folder '/root/mavros_msgs'..Done.
Validating message files in folder '/root/mavros_msgs'..Done.
[0/1] Generating MATLAB interfaces for custom message packages... 0%Error using ros.internal.utilities.getCMakeBinaryPath (line 24)
Could not find CMake in your system. Please install CMake version 3.15.5 or higher and rerun the command.
Error in ros.internal.CatkinBuilder.getCMakePath (line 82)
[aPath, aVersion] = ros.internal.utilities.getCMakeBinaryPath(ros.internal.CatkinBuilder.CMAKEMINVERSION);
Error in ros.internal.ROSProjectBuilder (line 391)
h.CMakePath = h.getCMakePath();
Error in ros.internal.CatkinBuilder (line 24)
Error in rosgenmsg (line 223)
builder = ros.internal.CatkinBuilder(genDir, pkgInfos{iPkg});
However, I have already installed cmake 3.20.5.
However, matlab does not seem to recognize the cmake installed on the desktop.
>> !which cmake
>> !cmake version
cmake: /usr/local/MATLAB/R2020b/sys/os/glnxa64/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.26' not found (required by cmake)
The above error occurs when checking the cmake version in the matlab command window.
Can you help me?
I run matlab in docker, ubuntu 20.04, cmake 3.20.5, python2.7 environment.
and matlab version is 2020b
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