fprintf's at beginning and end of a function called witihin parfor loop
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I am trying to write logging-type information to the command window from inside a function that is called within a parfor loop. Ideally, some logging info would be written at the beginning of the function and other logging info would be written at the end of the function. The problem is that both the beginning and ending logging info appear simultaneously in the command window, no matter how long the function takes. Here is a minimum working example:
parfor k=1:10
function parfprintfn(n)
wait_time = 5 + 30*rand;
fprintf('Starting parfprintfn %d with wait_time %f at %s\n',n,wait_time,datestr(now,'HH:MM:SS'));
drawnow; % has no effect
fprintf('Finishing parfprintfn %d with wait_time %f at %s\n',n,wait_time,datestr(now,'HH:MM:SS'));
Below is the output from one run of the above code. Although it is not immediately obvious from this output, the problem is that--with the exception of the first four lines--the "Starting" and "Finishing" lines for a given 'n' value always appear essentially simultaneously in the command window--that is, just when the function finishes.
Starting parfprintfn 1 with wait_time 5.305391 at 08:29:26
Starting parfprintfn 2 with wait_time 28.347252 at 08:29:26
Finishing parfprintfn 1 with wait_time 5.305391 at 08:29:32
Finishing parfprintfn 2 with wait_time 28.347252 at 08:29:55
Starting parfprintfn 4 with wait_time 24.314775 at 08:29:32
Finishing parfprintfn 4 with wait_time 24.314775 at 08:29:56
Starting parfprintfn 3 with wait_time 5.957335 at 08:29:56
Finishing parfprintfn 3 with wait_time 5.957335 at 08:30:02
Starting parfprintfn 6 with wait_time 34.679176 at 08:29:55
Finishing parfprintfn 6 with wait_time 34.679176 at 08:30:29
Starting parfprintfn 7 with wait_time 34.112550 at 08:30:02
Finishing parfprintfn 7 with wait_time 34.112550 at 08:30:36
Starting parfprintfn 9 with wait_time 11.134582 at 08:30:36
Finishing parfprintfn 9 with wait_time 11.134582 at 08:30:47
Starting parfprintfn 5 with wait_time 21.041189 at 08:30:29
Finishing parfprintfn 5 with wait_time 21.041189 at 08:30:51
Starting parfprintfn 10 with wait_time 9.584767 at 08:30:47
Finishing parfprintfn 10 with wait_time 9.584767 at 08:30:57
Starting parfprintfn 8 with wait_time 16.585694 at 08:30:51
Finishing parfprintfn 8 with wait_time 16.585694 at 08:31:07
Also, by considering the wait_time values and 'now' times in this output, you can see that the 'Starting parprintfn 4' line should have been printed before the 'Finishing parprintfn 2' line (i.e., right after 'Finishing parprintfn1') if the lines were appearing in "real time".
In short, it looks like all of the fprintf output is being buffered for a function called within a parfor, and the fprintf outputs are only printed together at the end when that function finishes.
My question is, can I make the function's fprintf outputs appear in the command window temporally separated for the beginning and end of the function?
Thanks for any hints.
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Walter Roberson
Use a parallel data queue to send messages from the workers back to the client to print.
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