How to convert a very big rational number obtained into decimal form? Please See : format short is not making any difference

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for i1 = 1 : max(l11,l12) s(i1) = 0 l13 = i1 for b = 1 : i1 if(l13 > l12) den(l13) = 0 end s(i1) = s(i1) + den(l13) * q(b) % l13 = l13 - 1 end if (i1 == ROMorder) break end end
Result obtained : s = [ 600000, -155160, -79517806820667188049/7036874417766400] - error part


Azzi Abdelmalek
Azzi Abdelmalek 2015-1-2
  2 个评论
pooja 2015-1-4
Thank you but when i convert this vector into a polynomial again the coefficients of the polynomial are in the form of rational numbers not in decimal. Ex. - num = poly2sym(s) Result - num = 600000 - (388270541116539*z^2)/34359738368 - 155160*z - eroor part How to convert even these values into decimal form?
Stephen23 2015-1-4
Pooja: you accepted this answer, even though the issue still seems unresolved. Once you accept an answer, users browsing MATLAB Answers are much less likely to open this thread and read your further questions.


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