Anyone knows the syntax to insert a dot above a greek letter in matlab?

334 次查看(过去 30 天)
Wondering how would you insert a dot above a greek letter like gamma dot? Thanks


Star Strider
Star Strider 2015-1-4
Using it in ylabel here, specify the 'latex' interpreter, with the appropriate LaTeX syntax:
ylabel('$\dot{\gamma}$', 'Interpreter','latex')
  7 个评论


更多回答(2 个)

Elizabeth Case
Elizabeth Case 2020-12-22
Anyone know how to do this, but keep the rest of the label text the standard matlab text? ...., 'Interpreter, 'latex' changes the font of the whole title/label.
  5 个评论


Santosh Tamang
Santosh Tamang 2018-3-7
right click on the text box in matlab plot select interpreter as latex $\dot{m}$
  7 个评论
Santosh Tamang
Santosh Tamang 2018-3-8
Thanks. You are right but for someone who wants the quick fix on their graph can use this.



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