Smooth Results from bwboundaries

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello All,
I have seen others ask this question on the forum, but was unable to find the answer for my problem. I am using 'bwboundaries.m' to find contours on an image I import to Matlab. I then use the contours to write them to STL files.
However, the boundaries that are found using bwboundaries are very rough and jagged when zoomed in, which is not the ideal result. I need something smooth to work with. I have attached pictures of the issue and the code, would love some help.

回答(1 个)

Ayush Modi
Ayush Modi 2023-10-9
Hi Holden,
As per my understanding, you would like to enhance the capability so that you do not see the detected boundary jagged.
In every image when zoomed in to a certain level, there will jaggedness which will lead to boundary detection algorithm to work up to a certain extent. The zooming beyond the threshold will result in jaggedness.
I hope this resolves the issue you were facing.


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