Can anyone help me to plot these data by scatter3 ploting?

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I have 41 values of temperature starting from 350,351,352,353...........,390 and 30 values of radius starting from 0.001, 0.002, 0.003......,upto 0.03.Now from 41 values of temperature and 30 values of radius , i obtained 41*30 =1230 values of PPDF. Now i have to plot surface graph (with the help of scatter3) between Temperature (let's on x co-ordinate ), radius (let's on y co-ordinate) and PPDF (on z co-ordinate ). How can i plot this ? please help me with the code. Here i am attaching my code which is giving me error.
for reference i am attaching scatter3 graph.
% x co-ordinate data
% y co-ordinate data
% z co-ordinate data (for this i have attached PPDF.csv file.)
test=csvread('temp_rad_graph_data.csv'); % here 'temp_rad_graph _data.csv is the file which consist x ,y and z coordinate data
colormap jet
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回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-4-11
You file only has one column of data. It has 1230 rows, which consists of periods of zeros mixed with periods of non-zero data. The length of the bursts of data is not consistent, so this does not appear to be a case where a 2D array of data accidentally gets written as multiple rows instead of multiple columns.


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