Finding the gradient of the function

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I need to find the gradient (differentiation) of the below function k1 wrt a11 for the values of z1 and plot with respect a11.
z1 = [0.00008 0.009]';
a11 = -2:0.002:2;
k1 = atan(((0.02 + a11)./z1)) + atan((0.03 - a11)./z1);


Star Strider
Star Strider 2022-4-14
Symbolically —
syms a11 z1
k1 = atan(((0.02 + a11)./z1)) + atan((0.03 - a11)./z1)
k1 = 
grad_k1 = gradient(k1)
grad_k1 = 
grad_k1_fcn = matlabFunction(grad_k1)
grad_k1_fcn = function_handle with value:
  2 个评论
Amy Topaz
Amy Topaz 2022-4-14
Could you plot and show me the plot please
Star Strider
Star Strider 2022-4-14
编辑:Star Strider 2022-4-14
syms a11 z1
k1 = atan(((0.02 + a11)./z1)) + atan((0.03 - a11)./z1)
k1 = 
grad_k1 = gradient(k1)
grad_k1 = 
grad_k1_fcn = matlabFunction(grad_k1)
grad_k1_fcn = function_handle with value:
hfs = fsurf(grad_k1, [-1 1 -1 1]*4, 'MeshDensity',75);
hfs(1).EdgeColor = 'interp'; % Optional
hfs(2).EdgeColor = 'interp'; % Optional
EDIT — (14 Apr 2022 at 13:22)
Changed (increased) 'MeshDensity'.


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