mex file generation failed

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
i'm trying to generate mex file for my project. I'm always getting the following error and i don't understand it well and also how to fix it:
[11/11] /usr/bin/xcrun -sdk macosx12.1 clang build/maci64/simulation.o build/maci64/simulation_test_data.o build/maci64/rt_nonfinite.o build/maci64/simulation_test_initialize.o build/maci64/simulation_test_terminate.o build/maci64/simulation_test.o build/maci64/_coder_simulation_test_api.o build/maci64/_coder_simulation_test_mex.o build/maci64/_coder_simulation_test_info.o build/maci64/c_mexapi_version.o -Wl,-twolevel_namespace -undefined error -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.14 -Wl,-syslibroot,/Applications/ -bundle -L"/Applications/" -lmx -lmex -lmat -lc++ -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path -o simulation_test_mex.mexmaci64 -lemlrt -lcovrt -lut -lmwmathutil -Wl,-exported_symbols_list,
FAILED: simulation_test_mex.mexmaci64
/usr/bin/xcrun -sdk macosx12.1 clang build/maci64/simulation.o build/maci64/simulation_test_data.o build/maci64/rt_nonfinite.o build/maci64/simulation_test_initialize.o build/maci64/simulation_test_terminate.o build/maci64/simulation_test.o build/maci64/_coder_simulation_test_api.o build/maci64/_coder_simulation_test_mex.o build/maci64/_coder_simulation_test_info.o build/maci64/c_mexapi_version.o -Wl,-twolevel_namespace -undefined error -arch x86_64 -mmacosx-version-min=10.14 -Wl,-syslibroot,/Applications/ -bundle -L"/Applications/" -lmx -lmex -lmat -lc++ -Wl,-rpath,@loader_path -o simulation_test_mex.mexmaci64 -lemlrt -lcovrt -lut -lmwmathutil -Wl,-exported_symbols_list,
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
"_speed_control_M", referenced from:
_simulate in simulation.o
"_speed_control_initialize", referenced from:
_simulate in simulation.o
"_speed_control_step", referenced from:
_simulate in simulation.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
The command i used to build and generate the mex file is shown as follow an:
codegen simulation_test -args {1,2} simulation.c -report
simulation_test.m is my matlab function and looks as follow:
function r_sim=simulation_test(KR,KI)
r_sim= zeros(size(0:0.01:0.25));
coder.ceval('simulate',KR,KI, coder.wref(r_sim));
my simulation.c file looks as follow:
#include "simulation.h"
void simulate(double KR,double KI,double* r_sim)
/* Simulating the model step behavior (in non real-time) to
* simulate model behavior at stop time.
while ((rtmGetErrorStatus(speed_control_M) == (NULL)) && !rtmGetStopRequested
(speed_control_M)) {
now i'm not caring about the simulation result but the proper mex file generation.
I have been looking for a solution to my problem for 2 days and don't know how to move on. I tried things from Internet without success. I will appreciate your help very much.


Mark McBroom
Mark McBroom 2022-4-22
It looks like you are missing the .c file that contains the code for speed_control_initialize() and speed_control_step()
  2 个评论
Emmanuel Walter Djeutsop Sonkoua
@Mark McBroom yes you have right, i was not given my .c file were those functions are defined. So i just add it to the codegen command and the mex file is generated properly now. thanks !!!
Emmanuel Walter Djeutsop Sonkoua
Now i getting my mex file crashed when i attempt to run it. And Matlab also get close.
then i checked the dump file and the abort() function seems to be called during the execution of the mex file.
as you can see in the code above i have the function declaration in simulation.h:
void simulation(double KR, double KI, double * r_sim)
the simulation results have to be save in r_sim which is initialized in the matlab function simulation_test (r_sim= zeros(size(0:0.01:0.25));)
my question is: should i initialize the pointer r_sim within my c function before writing data to that adress?
i thouht that coder.wref(r_sim) was doing that.


更多回答(1 个)

Mark McBroom
Mark McBroom 2022-4-25

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