I am working on writing a custom step function for my reinforcement learning environment in MATLAB and I wanted to access the step function.m file written for the BasicGridWorld in MATLAB?
I understand that you want to access the “step function.m” file written for the BasicGridWorld in MATLAB.
While going through the path, there is no specific step function file provided for the BasicGridWorld environment in the Reinforcement Learning Toolbox.
If you are working on creating a custom reinforcement learning environment and want to implement a step function, you will need to define it yourself based on the specific dynamics and rules of your environment. Here is an example skeleton of how created custom class environment would be like-
function [nextObservation, reward, isDone] = step(this, action)
% Update the environment state based on the action
% Return the next observation, reward, and termination information
The step function typically takes an action as input and updates the state of the environment and accordinglyreturning the next state, reward, and termination information. It might be helpful to refer to the documentation below and examples provided with Reinforcement Learning Toolbox –