How do I find the values at a specific Y value on a 3-D surf plot?

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Attached is a picture of a side view of a 3-D surf plot I have created using surf(X,Y,Z,'edgecolor','interp').
The X axis is the date, Y axis is the depth, Colobar represents the temperature.
I want to find the temperature values at a specified y value. For example, is there a way to find all the plotted points and their temperature values at Y = 1?
Hope that makes sense.
Thanks for the help!

回答(1 个)

KSSV 2022-4-26
Read about slice.
Also you can find the index of your required points and extract the required values.
  2 个评论
Victoria K
Victoria K 2022-4-26
Thanks for the help.
I am looking into slice. My X is 5042 x 1 datetime, y is 1x6 double, Z is 6x5042 double.
I am not sure what 'V' for the slice function should be in this case, could you offer any advice?



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