Non rigid Image Registration

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
Md. Azim  Ullah
Md. Azim Ullah 2015-1-20
Is there any specific way to perform feature based non-rigid registration in gray-scale images? i have been using matched points between the two images but it doesn't seem to work . ANY idea on how to move forward with the task is very welcome. Thank you.

回答(3 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-1-20
Try imwarp()
  2 个评论
Md. Azim  Ullah
Md. Azim Ullah 2015-1-20
thank you for the answer,i was looking for finding an inverse mapping between the two images using the matched points. can you please give me any idea on a more theoretical basis? your kindness very much appreciated.
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2015-1-20
That's a lot more complicated - to start with two sets of points and figure out what possible mathematical formula(s) could map them there. I have no idea.


Matt J
Matt J 2015-1-20
i was looking for finding an inverse mapping between the two images using the matched points
It looks like point_registration.m in this FEX package does this sort of thing.

Alex Taylor
Alex Taylor 2015-1-24
Take a look at imregdemons in the image processing toolbox.


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