Matlab 2022 Arduino Simulink Exceeding Memory Error

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I've done Simulink on Arduino with Matlab 2019b with success.
However, super annoyingly, Simulink Support Package For Arduino Hardware does not include much on Matlab 2019b. So I installed Matlab 2022 + needed add-ons and got way more features to aid my programming. Great!
Now, I suddenly get this error, even with a tiny program to make Digital Output 13 ( onboard LED) to blink with a impulse generator.
Top model targets built: Model Action Rebuild Reason ==================================================================== untitled Failed Code generation information file does not exist. 0 of 1 models built (0 models already up to date) Build duration: 0h 0m 11.414s
The following error occurred during deployment to your hardware board: The generated code exceeds the available memory on the processor. It uses 134.2% of available program memory and 48.6% of available Data memory.
This doesnt make any sense. I then go back to my Matlab 2019b and make the same program without problems. So I would assume the problem is with Matlab 2022 version.
I've googled the error, but people are just saying "your program is taking to much space, try to make it smaller", which I dont think is the correct solution in my case.
Any ideas?
Hardware: Arduino Uno
COM : Automatically
Baudrate: 115200 ( Default)
  5 个评论
INEL Tech Centre
INEL Tech Centre 2022-6-22
could you resolve the issue. I am facing the same with arduino mega 2560? Thanks
Dino Claro
Dino Claro 2023-6-20
Disclaimer: I am completely new to simulink
I experienced the same issue while trying to "Run on the hardware" with "Monitor and Tune". When trying "Build, Start and Deploy" the build worked as expected. My assumption is that the code needed to monitor and tune is much to large for the UNO. Again, i am new to all of this and would love a proper explanation.


回答(1 个)

Xin Yi Tan
Xin Yi Tan 2024-3-26
This may be a few years late but I recently face the same problem with version 2023. The teaching assistant for my unit found out that if you go to hardware settings -> change the board to Arduino Mega (any version) -> try to run it -> let it fail -> then change the board settings back to Arduino Uno it will work.
I tried it and it worked for me. I dont know why this works, I dont know how she figured this out, Im just confused.
  4 个评论
Dawson 2024-7-26
You also just saved me after hours of headache and confusion. I would have never thought to do that!



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