How to extract a specific range of values from a multi dimensional matrix?

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a double matrix with the following dimensions: 37 X 745 X 32. This matrix contains many zeros and also quite a lot of values between the range 100-999.9. I would like to extract data values which are in a specific range (ex: 815.6 - 816.4) from this matrix, in order to generate a kernel estimation plot. Can anyone please help me here, as I am unable to figure out how to do it?


Star Strider
Star Strider 2015-1-21
The values lose their matrix identity and return as a column vector, but ‘M1’ has them all.
This works:
M = 1000*rand(37, 745, 32); % Create Data
M1 = M((M >= 815.6) & (M <= 816.4)); % Vector Of Desired Values
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