Since a delauny triangulation describes a convex domain ALWAYS, this is the expected behavior. If your data is not truly convex but close to it, then there will always be thin triangles near the edges. Sorry, but this is just the nature of the beast. A common fix for the problem is to use an alpha shape. For example...
[X,Y] = meshgrid(0:10);
Xe = X + randn(size(X))/10;
Ye = Y + randn(size(Y))/10;
XYe = [Xe(:),Ye(:)];
tri = delaunayn(XYe);
As you can see, the triangulation has thin triangles around the edges, but it is a convex dwomin that contains ALL of the points.
T = alphaShape(XYe,1);
Here we see a result that is NOT convex, but it lacks the thin triangles.
Note that alphaShape was introduced into MATLAB with release R2014b.