S = load('predictions.mat');
Predictions = S.Predictions
isTruePositive = Predictions{:,'True'} == Predictions{:,'Predicted'};
isTruePositivePredicted1 = isTruePositive & Predictions{:,'Predicted'} == 1;
% here are the row numbers:
RN = find(isTruePositivePredicted1)
% Two different ways to keep only certain rows
% of the other table T:
% Option 1: use logical indexing, and discard
% rows of T that are not true positive where
% 1 was predicted (in this case you don't need RN):
T{~isTruePositivePredicted1,:} = [];
% Option 2: use row indices RN to keep those rows
% that are true positive where 1 was predicted:
T = T{RN,:};