to plot different graph in a single window

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
sir i have written a matlab program transistor output characteristic i.e. (ce) ic vs vce for a single value of can i plot the graph ic vs vce for different value of ib in a single window.
  1 个评论
Paulo Silva
Paulo Silva 2011-2-21
Besides Brett and Walter answers you might also take advantage of the plotyy function.


回答(2 个)

Brett Shoelson
Brett Shoelson 2011-2-21
If you want to plot IC vs VCE and IB, you might want to consider using PLOT3 or SURF. Or some other 3D visualizer. Brett

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-2-21
See the documentation for the command "hold", and in particular "hold on".


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