Calculate convolution of two given continuous signals in matlab

129 次查看(过去 30 天)
If I have two continuous signals ,f1(t) = g10(t) and f2(t) = (e^-t)*u(t). How can I calculate the convolution and plot the graph for that? N:B: here g10 means the width of rectangular is 10(eg: -5 to 5)


Paul 2022-6-5
Closed form solution using symbolic math
syms t tau real
f1(t) = rectangularPulse(-5,5,t);
f2(t) = exp(-t)*heaviside(t);
y1(t) = int(f1(tau)*f2(t-tau),tau,-5,t)
y1(t) = 
fplot(y1(t),[-10 10])
hold on
Numerical solution using integral()
f1 = @(t) abs(t) <= 5;
f2 = @(t) exp(-t).*(t>=0);
y2 = @(t) integral(@(tau)(f1(tau).*f2(t-tau)),-5,t);
for tval = -7:2:10
Numerical solution using conv(). Note that we have to settle for a vaue of t where we are willing to accept f2(t) = 0
dt = 0.1;
tval = -5:dt:15;
y3 = conv(f1(tval),f2(tval))*dt;
conv() assumes that the sequences start at t = 0, so we have to shift our time reference left by 5. Make dt smaller to improve the convolution sum approximation.
legend('Closed Form','integral()','conv()','Location','NorthWest')

更多回答(1 个)

Paul 2022-5-27
Assuming a closed form solution is desired this problem can be solved with the Symbolic Math Toolbox
and also exp() (no doc page for Symbolic Math Toolbox version?)
  2 个评论
Chihiro Ogino
Chihiro Ogino 2022-5-28
But it shows that I've no Symbolic Toolbox. This is my very first tme using Matlab , and I'm totally lost how to overcome the issues
Paul 2022-5-28
Then I guess you'll have to either do it by hand (or use other s/w that can do it symbolically), or you can use
to compute a numerical approximation of the convolution integral, or can use
to compute a numerical approximation to the convolution integral via the convolution sum.



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