Image processing - frame to video

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I want to display processed frames as a video.
Say I want to draw a box around a detected ball(on the realtime video) and display it.
I can grab frames from the webcam continuously(in a loop) and process it to display the box. But how do I display the processed frames as a continuous video? Something like this:


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-10-4
The closest you are going to get within MATLAB itself is to use image() or imshow() to create an image object, and then for each frame, set() the CData property of that image object to the new contents. Remember to drawnow() afterwards to allow it to show up on the screen.

更多回答(1 个)

Ebad Ahmadzadeh
Ebad Ahmadzadeh 2011-10-4
You could show the grabbed images in a loop using imshow() function.
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-10-4
You _could_, but that would be unnecessarily slow and choppy compared to what I indicated in my answer where a single image display call is used and you then update MATLAB's notion of what the image's content is.



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