please help me I want to import data to wok space and export data from work space during simulation in the same model ?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
In my model I want to collect A set of numbers (which is variable by changing the switch ) I want to equal the output of summation to variable (N) where I want this variable in another block like gain the problem in work space is save date after simulation end I want to read N during simulation (where N is variable) The figure of model is attached below How can I do it??

回答(1 个)

A Jenkins
A Jenkins 2015-2-2
  5 个评论
MAB 2015-2-3
I am grateful to you But you still not understand me N is a variable number (may be change from 0 to inf(i.e 8 or 10 or 0)) I can not define it (during simulation N is changing but not change in block(gain or wind turbine)) I used to workspace but I can only get data after stopping the simulation, but what I want is getting data during runtime and send these data to another program (or any block in the same model ) so that the program can get the correct data it needs???? How can I do it?????? How can I import and export data in the same model during simulation??? I appreciate your respone
A Jenkins
A Jenkins 2015-2-5
Simulink is not intended to be used that way, which is why I am proposing solutions slightly different than what you are asking.
The proper solution is to make modifications to your blocks such that "N" is a signal and not a parameter.
To learn why, and potential "hacks" (with their own drawbacks) such as using set_param(), see this article.



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