I want to plot between "W" on y axis and "r" on x axis, with "W" ranging from 0 to 0.2 in the interval of 0.05 and "r" ranging from 1 to 6 in the interval of 1. How to do it?

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% plotting graph
syms r
psi = 1;
alpha = (12*psi)^(1/3);
l1 = @(r) (r + alpha)*(r + alpha);
l1a = @(r) r*r - r*alpha + alpha*alpha;
L1 = @(r) log(l1(r)/l1a(r));
t1 =@(r) (2*r - alpha) / (alpha*sqrt(3));
T1 =@(r) atan(t1(r));
l2 =@(r) (1 + alpha)*(1 + alpha);
l2a =@(r) (1*1) - (1*alpha) + (alpha*alpha);
L2 =@(r) log(l2(r)/l2a(r));
t2 =@(r) (2*1 - alpha) / (alpha*sqrt(3));
T2 =@(r) atan(t2(r));
W1 =@(r) 4 * sqrt(3) * (T1(r) - T2(r)) * log((r+alpha)/(1+alpha));
W2 =@(r) (L1(r) - L2(r))*log((r*r - r*alpha + alpha*alpha)/(1 - alpha + alpha*alpha));
W3 =@(r) 4*(T1(r) -T2(r))*(T1(r) -T2(r));
W4 =@(r) (L1(r) - L2(r)) + 2 * sqrt(3) * (T1(r) - T2(r));
W5 =@(r) 3 ./ ((r - 1) * (r - 1));
W =@(r) ((W1(r) + W2(r) -W3(r)) * W5(r))/W4(r);
fplot(@(r) W(r))
I am getting the following warning
Warning: Function behaves unexpectedly on array inputs. To improve performance, properly vectorize your function to return an output with the
same size and shape as the input arguments.
> In matlab.graphics.function.FunctionLine>getFunction
In matlab.graphics.function/FunctionLine/updateFunction
In matlab.graphics.function/FunctionLine/set.Function_I
In matlab.graphics.function/FunctionLine/set.Function
In matlab.graphics.function.FunctionLine
In fplot>singleFplot (line 245)
In fplot>@(f)singleFplot(cax,{f},limits,extraOpts,args) (line 200)
In fplot>vectorizeFplot (line 200)
In fplot (line 166)
In plots (line 28)


KSSV 2022-6-22
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