Change Node & Edges position on Plot
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I'm trying to draw a network using Graph function, where nodes represent RMU and Edges represent Cable , but i wanna change the postion of multibale Nodes on the plot figure so that is can see the network and compare it to the original SLDs
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Steven Lord
See the "Adjust Properties of GraphPlot Object" example on this documentation page for a demonstration of how to set custom node locations. Alternately you may want to use the layout function linked in the Object Functions section on that page to use different algorithms to compute the coordinates for the points.
2 个评论
Christine Tobler
You should be able to assing to the XData and YData properties of the H object in your code:
g = graph(2, 3);
H = plot(g, 'Layout', 'force');
H.XData = [1 3 2];
In the helper functions you're using, you would need to retrieve the GraphPlot object represented by H and modify its properties XData and YData.
Also, here's a blog post on how to make nodes in a GraphPlot object move by clicking on them:
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