orientation error between 2 trajectory end effector

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Am trying to find the orientation euclidean distance error between 2 robots end effector
i measured the euler angles using these equation
and used (β1-β2+α1-α2+γ 1-γ 2)/3 to get the orientation distance error
but the error value i get is significantly lower from the visible trajectory i have
am i doing something wrong ?
  4 个评论
Sam Chak
Sam Chak 2022-7-2
编辑:Sam Chak 2022-7-2
Thanks for images. Would you edit your Question and put these two images so that interested readers can see them and might be able to think of a solution?
Some readers are very good at math, trigonometry and attitude determination, but they may not understand what those symbols are. Therefore, you are advised to label for clarity. Otherwise, only roboticists who are good at math, trigonometry, attitude determination, and MATLAB can provide the answer you are seeking.


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