Get data from xls file.

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Matin jaberi
Matin jaberi 2022-7-12
Hi Everyone, Im a newbie to Matlab. I have a table of 105216x10 in my workspace which i need to get some data from. its only numbers in the table.
In A column i have numbers from 1-15 wheere some are repeated. I only am interested in the rows when in clumn A changes from 6 to7. so basically if number =6 and the number fater is 7 then print that row
have following code but only returns 1.
for i=1:length(data)
if data(i,1) == 7 && i-1 == 6
newT(number6) = AA(i-1,:) ;number6 = number6+1 ;
if data(i,1) == 8 && i-1 == 7
DDD(number7) = AA(i-1,:) ;number7 = number7+1 ;

回答(1 个)

Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2022-7-12
编辑:Adam Danz 2022-7-13
> i need a comand to check the numbers in column A and anywhere that 6 change to 7 show me the entire rows for last 6 and where 7 changes back to 6 show me the last row in 7.
Here's a demo
Create demo table
Produce table T with variable names A,B.
A = [4;5;6;6;7;7;8;6;6;6;5;7;7;6;6;7;7;6;6;7;7];
B = round(rand(size(A))*10,2);
T = table(A,B);
A B _ ____ 4 1.68 5 8.06 6 0.2 6 0.5 7 0.63 7 5.7 8 1.09 6 8.34 6 9.71 6 6.51 5 8.87 7 6.4 7 8.13 6 2.87 6 2.68 7 1.88 7 9.4 6 3.65 6 0.4 7 7.01 7 4.51
Find index of the last 6 that changes to 7 and the last 7 that changes to 6
dA = [diff(T.A);0];
isLastSix = T.A==6 & dA==1; % bad variable name, change it
isLastSeven = T.A==7 & dA==-1; % bad variable name, change it
Show rows of table for each index
ans = 3×2 table
A B _ ____ 6 0.5 6 2.68 6 0.4
ans = 2×2 table
A B _ ____ 7 8.13 7 9.4

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