Error using odearguments?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Matthew Charles
Matthew Charles 2022-7-12
编辑: Torsten 2022-7-12
Hi, I tried to run the code below but I was greeted with the below error message. Any assistance will be greatly appreciated
function f = emu(t, nd, alpha, mu, D0, Vol, g, L)
%% Oil/Water System at 30C (Paraffin)
% Concentration for this system is 200ppm
lambda = 1;
theta_0 = nd*pi*D0^3 /(6*Vol);
theta_m = nd*pi*(D0+L)^3 /(6*Vol);
ftheta_0 = (1 - theta_0)^5.3;
Delta_rho = 9.98*10^-9 - 7.97*10^-9;
Vst0 = Delta_rho*g*D0^2 /(18*mu); % Settling Velocity in mm/s
D = sqrt((abs((2/3)*alpha*Vst0*ftheta_0/((theta_m/theta_0)^(1/3)-1)*D0*t +D0^2)));
K1 = abs((2/3)*alpha*Vst0^2 *ftheta_0^2 /(D*((theta_m/theta_0)^(1/3)-1)));
dhs = lambda*(K1*t + Vst0*ftheta_0);
dD = lambda*alpha/3 *(Vst0*ftheta_0)/((theta_m/theta_0)^(1/3) - 1) *D0/D;
f = [dhs;dD];
USing the following to generate the figure:
clc, clear all, close all
%% Oil/Water System at 30C (Paraffin)
Vol = 900; % Volume for emulsion injected
g = 9810; % mm/s^2 - gravity
L = 0.5e-6; % distance between the surfaces of neighboring bubbles (guessed value)
nd = 1000; % guessed value for no. of bubbles
mu = 3.8; % Viscosity in mPa.s-1
alpha = 0.08;
D0 = 0.3; % converted 300umVst0 = Delta_rho*g*D0^2 /(18*mu);
tspan = [0 180];
hs0 = 225; % in millimeters - initial height
[t,dhs] = ode45(@(t,dhs)emu(t, nd, alpha, mu, D0, Vol, g, L), tspan, hs0);
hs = x(:,1);
plot (t, dhs(:,1), '-o')
grid on
ylabel ('H(mm)')
xlabel ('Time (s)')
title ('Simulation of Sedimentation-Coalesence Experiment')
Unfortunately, I got the following error message:
Error using odearguments
@(T,DHS)EMU(T,ND,ALPHA,MU,D0,VOL,G,L) returns a vector of length 2, but the length of initial conditions vector is 1. The vector returned
by @(T,DHS)EMU(T,ND,ALPHA,MU,D0,VOL,G,L) and the initial conditions vector must have the same number of elements.
Error in ode45 (line 107)
odearguments(odeIsFuncHandle,odeTreatAsMFile, solver_name, ode, tspan, y0, options, varargin);
Error in fig (line 22)
[t,dhs] = ode45(@(t,dhs)emu(t, nd, alpha, mu, D0, Vol, g, L), tspan, hs0);
Any assistance please?
  2 个评论
Torsten 2022-7-12
编辑:Torsten 2022-7-12
The error message seems pretty clear.
You give an initial value hs0 = 225. This signals to ODE45 that you want to solve 1 differential equation.
But in emu, you return f = [dhs;dD] which signal to ODE45 that you want to solve 2 differential equations.
So ODE45 asks itself: Which indicator is the correct one ?
What I find very surprising in your ODE(s) is that they don't seem to depend on the solution variable, but only on time t. Is this really correct ? If yes, use "integral" instead of ODE45. It will be ways faster.
Matthew Charles
Matthew Charles 2022-7-12
Hi @Torsten it largely deends on the change in droplet diameter (D) with time (t). Should i still switch to "integral" instead of the ODE45 given this case? and if so, I am not sure how to go about that? Any assistance will be appreciated


回答(1 个)

Torsten 2022-7-12
编辑:Torsten 2022-7-12
syms t
Vol = 900; % Volume for emulsion injected
g = 9810; % mm/s^2 - gravity
L = 0.5e-6; % distance between the surfaces of neighboring bubbles (guessed value)
nd = 1000; % guessed value for no. of bubbles
mu = 3.8; % Viscosity in mPa.s-1
alpha = 0.08;
tspan = [0 18000];
dt = 0.1;
hs0 = 225; % in millimeters - initial height
D0 = 0.3; % converted 300umVst0 = Delta_rho*g*D0^2 /(18*mu);
lambda = 1;
theta_0 = nd*pi*D0^3 /(6*Vol);
theta_m = nd*pi*(D0+L)^3 /(6*Vol);
ftheta_0 = (1 - theta_0)^5.3;
Delta_rho = 9.98*10^-9 - 7.97*10^-9;
Vst0 = Delta_rho*g*D0^2 /(18*mu); % Settling Velocity in mm/s
D = sqrt((abs((2/3)*alpha*Vst0*ftheta_0/((theta_m/theta_0)^(1/3)-1)*D0*t +D0^2)));
K1 = abs((2/3)*alpha*Vst0^2 *ftheta_0^2 /(D*((theta_m/theta_0)^(1/3)-1)));
dhs = lambda*(K1*t + Vst0*ftheta_0);
dD = lambda*alpha/3 *(Vst0*ftheta_0)/((theta_m/theta_0)^(1/3) - 1) *D0/D;
% Integrate dhs
hs = int(dhs,t);
hs = hs0 + hs - subs(hs,t,0);
hs = matlabFunction(hs);
% Use D directly
D = matlabFunction(D);
% Integrate dD to get back D
DD = int(dD,t);
DD = D0 + DD - subs(DD,t,0);
DD = matlabFunction(DD);
% Plot quantities
t = tspan(1):dt:tspan(2)
t = 1×180001
0 0.1000 0.2000 0.3000 0.4000 0.5000 0.6000 0.7000 0.8000 0.9000 1.0000 1.1000 1.2000 1.3000 1.4000 1.5000 1.6000 1.7000 1.8000 1.9000 2.0000 2.1000 2.2000 2.3000 2.4000 2.5000 2.6000 2.7000 2.8000 2.9000
% Compare D and DD
hold on


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