Code to repeat rows multiple times

39 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have some data with data that I want to repeat for a total for a total of three times. Essentially, the table is a 2343x1 table and I want every date to repeat three times so the table becomes a 7029x1 table. Unfortunately, the dates aren't exactly in order (a few days are skipped) so I can't create code to write a different table from the one I have and just code it to be repeats. I specifically need every row in the table to be duplicated twice (so there are 3 instances of each date).
If any part of this is confusing, let me know but I have attached an example of basically what I want the dates to look like. It should make more sense once you see the stuff below
%Table before
table = ['1/12/22';'1/13/22';'1/14/22']
table = 3×7 char array
'1/12/22' '1/13/22' '1/14/22'
%Table after
new_table = ['1/12/22';'1/12/22';'1/12/22';'1/13/22';'1/13/22';'1/13/22';'1/14/22';'1/14/22';'1/14/22']
new_table = 9×7 char array
'1/12/22' '1/12/22' '1/12/22' '1/13/22' '1/13/22' '1/13/22' '1/14/22' '1/14/22' '1/14/22'


Torsten 2022-7-14
table = ['1/12/22';'1/13/22';'1/14/22']
table = 3×7 char array
'1/12/22' '1/13/22' '1/14/22'
new_table = repelem(table,3,1)
new_table = 9×7 char array
'1/12/22' '1/12/22' '1/12/22' '1/13/22' '1/13/22' '1/13/22' '1/14/22' '1/14/22' '1/14/22'

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