when i creat a ros2 node ,it dosn't work.why 'Input data can only contain ASCII characters' ?

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
>> test1 = ros2node("/test1")
Error using ros2node/createNode
Error creating the ROS 2 node /test1.
Error in ros2node (line 129)
createNode(obj, parser.Results.name, parser.Results.id);
Caused by:
Error using ros.internal.Node/create
Input data can only contain ASCII characters.
  4 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2022-7-25
It works for me when I test with MATLAB Online.
I suspect that you might have a third-party version of some function called by the internal workings. Unfortunately those functions are compiled so I cannot look at the source to figure out what
As an experiment try
restoredefaultpath; rehash toolboxcache
and then try the command. If it works then the problem is in some folder you have added to your path.


回答(1 个)

Josh Chen
Josh Chen 2022-8-5
Hello Xin,
I tried the same command you posted here on my end and it successfully created a ROS 2 node.
As Walter mentioned, the culprit could be some third-party files added to MATLAB path. Please try to restore to default path as suggested.
If the issue still persist, we would need more information about your setup and environment to take a closer inspection. Please reach out to MathWorks Technical Support and get connected with our technical support team.


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