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Error using mtimes (inner dimension must agree)

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Dear all, Kindly help me with this issue. Below is my screenshot of the coding.
if true
function [ theta, E, D,FL] = OP1(AngleMax,necktodiameter,alpha,beta)
global a b
a = 52; %fixed at a rate of 52 degree
b = 15; %fixed at a rate of 15 degree
theta = (AngleMax)-(2*asind(1./(necktodiameter)));
E = cosd(theta/2) - sind(alpha).*cosd(beta).*cosd(a).*cosd(b);
D = ((1-((sind(alpha)).^2*(cosd(beta).^2).^2))*(1-(cosd(a)).^2*(cosd(b).^2))) - E.^2;
FL = acosd((((((-sind(beta)).*(cosd(a)).*(sind(b))) + ((cosd(alpha)).*(cosd(beta)).*(sind(a)))).*E) - ((((cosd(alpha)).*(cosd(beta)).*(cosd(a)).*(sind(b)))+((sind(beta)).*(sind(a)))).*sqrt(D)))./((1-sind(alpha).^2.*cosd(beta).^2).*(1-cosd(a).^2.*cosd(b).^2)));
  2 个评论
Stephen23 2015-2-10
编辑:Stephen23 2015-2-10
Dear FarisM,
we are happy to help you with your questions, but it would be a great help for us if you learned to include code as text, and not as screenshots. Screenshots actually just makes it harder for us to help you. When you are writing your question (or comment), you will see below the text box a preview box: this shows how your question will look when you post it. Then above the text box you will find several buttons: the one you really need to learn how to use is labebelled {} Code. Please use this button to format your code as text, and do not include it as screen shots. If the code is large, it is preferred that you upload it using the paperclip button instead. This might also be of interest:
Have fun learning about MATLAB!
FarisM 2015-2-10
Dear Mr Stephen,
Thank you for your information as I've beginner on asking from this website. Will be alert next time. Thank you sir.

回答(2 个)

Michael Haderlein
Michael Haderlein 2015-2-10
编辑:Michael Haderlein 2015-2-10
Posting a screen shot is not so helpful. It's much easier for us to help if we can simply copy-paste the code into our command window.
Anyway, one dot is missing when you calculate FL. Instead of
it needs to be
  1 个评论
FarisM 2015-2-10
First of all, sorry because im not sure how to write in here. After your recommendation, I altered the coding. But the value of FL is only "one" instead of two if I put this [ theta, E, D,FL] = OP1(180,2,35,[10,15]) in command. Help me sir.
function [ theta, E, D,FL] = OP1(AngleMax,necktodiameter,alpha,beta) global a b a = 52; %fixed at a rate of 52 degree b = 15; %fixed at a rate of 15 degree
theta = (AngleMax)-(2*asind(1./(necktodiameter))); E = cosd(theta/2) - sind(alpha).*cosd(beta).*cosd(a).*cosd(b); D = ((1-((sind(alpha)).^2*(cosd(beta).^2).^2))*(1-(cosd(a)).^2*(cosd(b).^2))) - E.^2; FL = acosd((((((-sind(beta)).*(cosd(a)).*(sind(b))) + ((cosd(alpha)).*(cosd(beta)).*(sind(a)))).*E)... - ((((cosd(alpha)).*(cosd(beta)).*(cosd(a)).*(sind(b)))+((sind(beta)).*(sind(a)))).*sqrt(D))).... /((1-sind(alpha).^2.*cosd(beta).^2).*(1-cosd(a).^2.*cosd(b).^2)));

Torsten 2015-2-10
Best wishes
  4 个评论
FarisM 2015-2-10
Dear Mr Titus,
What did you suppose to mean by intermediate variables? Is it mean by putting '...' to avoid long equation? Sorry as I'm new in Matlab. Hope you might help me.
Torsten 2015-2-10
D = ((1-((sind(alpha)).^2.*(cosd(beta).^2).^2)).*(1-(cosd(a)).^2.*(cosd(b).^2))) - E.^2
My advice:
Change all "/" or "*" or "^2" to "./" or ".*" or ".^2" in your code.
Best wishes



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